Episode 8: Getting your Estate Plan Done

The Grass Is Greener Podcast Episode 8 with Tara Lucke

It is the job that many of us put off. Discussing what happens when you die or are incapacitated is not comfortable.

Yet when asked, most people say that their family is their most important priority.

In this episode we break down the Estate Planning process, its not as hard as you think.

Tara Lucke is not your typical lawyer. In a lot of ways. She only does estate planning, tax, asset protection, business succession, trusts and super. No disputes; No property stuff.

Tara is passionate about two things in law:

1. She loves helping clients reach peace of mind about the protection of their wealth and transition to the next generation; and

2. She believes in supporting financial advisers and accountants to use estate planning to build trust and give their clients peace of mind.

What is an Estate Plan and why you need one https://bit.ly/37xfc1Q

10 mistakes people make when nominating financial controllers https://bit.ly/3m72ECI

Aspire Estate Planning service https://bit.ly/37qNns0


Episode 9: Ikigai - The Japanese Secret to a long and happy life


Episode 07: Investing 101 - Managed Funds