Episode 07: Investing 101 - Managed Funds

Episode 7 Investing 101 Managed Funds Vanguard.png

Want to better understand how a managed fund works, such as your Super?

We are bombarded with investment news everyday, much of this is sensationalised to maximise the anxiety of the reader or viewer. In 2020, this has been heightened with the COVID pandemic.

This episode is intended to empower you with knowledge around the basics of managed funds and investments in general. It will help you cut "through the noise" and view your investments through lens that is less emotional.

Rebecca Pope is the Head of Intermediary at one of the worlds largest investment companies, Vanguard Investments.

Rebecca takes us through the various characteristics of managed funds as well as providing us with investment principles during a market downturn.

Connect with Rebecca:


Vanguards Investment Principles https://bit.ly/2IF6K6p


Episode 8: Getting your Estate Plan Done


Episode 06: Rethinking Retirement