Episode 20: The 8 Dimensions of Wellbeing

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At this time of year, there is so much talk about Goal setting and making changes to improve your life or wellbeing.

But what are you going to do, why do you want to do it and how?

Amanda McMillan talks us through the "8 Dimension of Wellbeing" as well as key questions to ask yourself when reflecting on your current wellbeing.

Amanda's framework is not only engaging, but it is focused on making small changes. aligned to your values that can amount to big impacts.

Amanda co-founded Wellineux, following many years working in the corporate world, witnessing fellow leaders, colleagues and teams struggle with modern day dis-ease.

First, do a Wellbeing Stocktake.

Rate your current level of satisfaction on the Life Wheel.


Then reflect on your answers to the questions in the Goal Setting booklet. Ideally write for only 2 minutes on each question.


Wellineux Bio: https://bit.ly/3ieSttj

Connect with Amanda:



Episode 21: Starting a Family - 4 Key Financial Elements


Episode 19: Financial Planning - A Gamechanger